Episode 42. Nigel Forde: Trace Elements



Nigel Forde is a poet, playwright, and former BBC presenter of Radio 4’s Bookshelf.  The interview traces the elements in Nigel’s childhood, upbringing and adult experience that have formed him as a writer, starting with an old-fashioned childhood in the countryside at the point where the counties of Hampshire, Surrey and Surrey meet, in a traditional Anglican church going setting.

Nigel describes his encounters with inspiring Music and English teachers at his grammar school, experiments in amateur dramatics and the inspirational influence of the rising conductor, Vernon Handley, in Guildford. After graduating in English Literature from St Catherine’s, Oxford in the 1960s, Nigel secured a place in repertory theatre in York, leading to a successful career as an actor, and later as a dramatist.

While in York, Nigel and his family started attending St Michael le Belfry  under the ministry of Canon David Watson.  This led to Nigel co-founding with Murray Watts and Paul Burbridge, the theatre company, Riding Lights, named after a poetry volume by Nigel’s favourite poet, Norman McCaig.   The interview moves on to discuss Nigel’s time as resident poet on Radio 4’s Midweek, and his interviews with major literary figures, such as Kingsley Amis, on Bookshelf..  


Nigel Forde was born in Leeds and now resides in rural Yorkshire..

Trace Elements was published by Valley Press in 2018. Previous poetry publications include Teaching the Winds Plurals (Robson Books, 1991),   A Map of the Territory (Carcanet Oxford Poets, 2003) and The Choir Outing (Carcanet Oxford Poets, 2010). Nigel has also edited a selection of G K Chesterton’s prose and poetry, A Motley Wisdom (Hodder & Stoughton, 1995). 


Nigel’s interview with Simon Machin was recorded at his home on 28 November 2023.










Episode 43. Pleshey Retreat House, Essex and Evelyn Underhill


Episode 41. W. T. Stead: Newspaper Prophet